Thursday, January 24, 2013

The stinky camel

I believe the experience I am about to share was really supposed to happen 1/22/13 and for some reason it was delayed until this morning. Oh well, the when is not as important as the how and why so here goes. Early this morning I had an unexpected visit from a camel who presented me with a straw. Now, I didn't actually see the camel, but I sure smelled him. Camels are like that.

I am aware that some of my readers have been following along on my awakening journey for some time. This is another installment that I, for one, was not really expecting, although the Universe has gone out of it's way to warn me that it was coming for a couple of weeks and perhaps longer. I have also known for some time that, the creator of all things, is a great people user. Always was, is now and always will be. Accepting that fact makes life a whole lot easier. If you can still laugh after you have experienced the worst that could happen you have it made. Life wasn't meant to be taken too seriously.

Due to a series of events that began about three years ago I concluded that I had been connected with my twin flame soulmate, although the man did not agree and did everything in his power to convince me I was wrong.

There is just too much spiritual energy between us to be anything else. Lately the energy has accelerated to the level of finishing each others thoughts on Facebook. I might add here that we live in states almost 500 miles apart and have never physically met, in this life anyway. He very recently added phone communication to our story. In fact, we talked for some time just last night discussing the possibility of collaborating on a writing project he wants published.

Have you ever had an experience that was an exact repeat of a previous one? Well, by last night I knew without a doubt this was happening to me, from the purpose of Mighty Mouse, down to the cowboy hat that both men refused to remove and the beard and mustache. The only thing missing was the cappuccino from the first experience. Little things kept coming back until there was no doubt in my mind about what was going on.

It was funny when I realized it was a repeat performance,  but I still wasn't getting the entire message; not until this morning when the camel arrived with the straw. You sure don't want to miss the next part because this is where the creator did his/her best work.

Upon waking this morning I finally realized that the only reason I had used "twin flame soulmate" to explain the enormous amount of spiritual energy with the current male lead in this little drama is because they were the biggest human words I knew. The next realization was that I had been mistaken and this person is actually the best friend I have been searching for my entire adult life. I also felt very strongly that there were things we were supposed to do together to help humanity.

This was such an earth shaking moment I immediately explained it in an online message to my friend, sincerely wanting him to understand too. My message was so clearly worded that my 11 year old grandson, whom I adore, could have understood what I said.
His response was ??????????????
My response to that was "ARE YOU KIDDING ME??????"

To say that I was angry, hurt and frustrated is probably the biggest understatement of my current life.
As you can imagine, this little exchange will no doubt lead to yet another opportunity to work things out. that's what friends who care about each other do.

The greatest moment for me came when I realized the lesson both of these relationships had brought me.  I now know  I am just fine all by myself and there is no need to attach so firmly  to any other soul ever again. To do so is actually a hindrance to freely carrying out my life purpose. That is not to say that a close relationship is not possible with another soul. There just needs to be enough space left between the two for both to freely move about. 

Now about that dangling  cup of cappuccino, which was a very important element leftover from the first relationship: When I stopped by Allsups this morning for gas the urge to buy a cup of the brew was so very strong I couldn't resist. It just seemed the perfect touch to put a close to this entire lesson. Unfortunately the machine was out. When I got home I remembered I had a little left in a can I had purchased from Wal-Mart some time ago. It was just enough for one single cup that I drank with my lunch today.

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