Saturday, January 5, 2013

The Charlie Brown Syndrome

For the last few days I have been raking my brain trying to find the lesson I am supposed to learn from an on again off again connection with a "friend". I have concluded that Charlie Brown and I have the same problem- a belief that this time things will be different.

I suppose some people would call this syndrome perpetual optimism. Those souls following Jesus might call it turning the other cheek.

This morning I am asking myself the very serious question, when is enough enough?

Information usually comes to us when we need it and I just found a wonderful quote by Hans F. Hansen that gives me a giant clue. It is "People inspire you or they drain you; pick them wisely."

It is now necessary for me to decide if the happiness my heart feels when the connection is in the on mode outweighs the sadness it experiences when it goes off.

Charlie Brown may continue to believe that this time Lucy will not snatch the football, causing him to land on his butt; but after due consideration I have concluded this game is over. I deserve a full time friend who is willing to give as much as I give to the relationship. An on again off again friend does not qualify.

2013 is the year I will attract people who inspire me, not drain me.


  1. In my lifetime I have made that decision twice Barbara and it left me both times with a heavy heart. I personally try to accept people for face value enjoying them when they are with me and missing them when they are not. No expectations results in many surprises.

    The two friends I left behind had problems that created demons for them that took residence within the souls of their spirits…it was a very sad sight. Yet I had to make a decision what was best for my inner self, and the separation was for the love of me.

    I applaud you and empathize with your dilemma, for without love of inner-self first and foremost every relationship that follows has the potential to chip away at you piece by piece.

    Do what is best for you, and release it all to the Universe for healing or forgiveness and move forward. You continue to thrive which is awesome to witness! Much love…me!

    1. "P",
      Absolutely knowing that these two souls have an awesome universal connection made the decision even more painful. The most important lessons always seem to come with a great deal of pain. Perhaps that is so we will remember them.

  2. Interesting how things can change with the blink of an eye. Since writing this post that is exactly what happened.

    I simply didn't have all the puzzle pieces so what I was looking at was far from the truth. Sometimes all that is required for a different result is a change of attitude and honest communication.
