Monday, January 14, 2013

A very special soul connection

I'm beginning this post with a quote I recently found. "Miracles happen when fear is replaced by love". Sometimes you just have to say what you have to say and let the chips fall where they will. Today I want to talk about soulmate connections.

At one time I believed that a person only has one soulmate. I was wrong. We have many soulmates who come into our lives at various points. They are often present to help us deal with a serious problem, offer moral support in times of crisis or simply to encourage us to move past where we are and grow. They are sometimes close relatives, but most often are friends. It was once explained to me that these souls were the closest to us when we were first created. They come back life after life in different roles, as we all do. During my life I have had many soulmate experiences and I value them all.

Moving on up between earth and the angels we find the very special connection of souls who were created as twin flame soulmates. They are said to be two halves of a whole. That doesn't mean that they are running around with only half a body/mind. That would be pretty silly. It means that they are as closely connected as two souls can be. If you think of it in terms of human twins created in the same sac in the same womb it makes sense. For the most part they both have all the body parts necessary to live a human life on their own.

It is rare that twin flame soulmates live a human life at the same time. When this happens the energy usually cannot be ignored. Even though they lead separate lives, have different opinions, a different purpose in being alive etc. there is something very special that they posses that sets them apart from all other soulmate relationships. That very special something is their humungous love connection. Again it has nothing to do with body parts of any kind. Well, okay with the exception of the heart.

These beings, when perfectly connected, often use telepathy to communicate. They have no need for electronic devices of any kind. They are able to read each others minds with no effort at all. I personally believe that this unique ability is to aid in some kind of universal assignment that they are to carry out while on earth. I could be wrong, of course. It's just a guess based on my own experience.

I am inserting a quote from the website,, which I think is interesting.
"If you question if this person could be your true love because it is too amazing to happen to you, but in reality you know, it is."

Well my dear readers the reason I chose this subject to write about today is because I firmly believe that I have connected with my twin flame soulmate. The current connection began about three years ago and has just escalated to the point where I can no longer be deterred from my original belief. Perhaps both souls needed time to grow. What will happen next is yet to be determined and I am quite aware that the outcome is not entirely in my hands.

I will leave you with the thought I began with, "Miracles happen when fear is replaced by love."


  1. Ahh....our lives are parallel it seems. About the same time I connected with my twin soul mate and life has not been the same. We are miles apart but know what each other is feeling and up to without hardwired devices. Now I know what you are up to as you know my secret too! Out of our hands and up to the Universe, miracles do happen!

    1. Ahh ha that's why you been following so close! One thing I forgot to mention in the piece is that this relationship can have negative energy stuck to it, depending on the assigned purpose for a particular lifetime. For instance, control issues/lessons. I think it is wise to be a little careful to not get overwhelmed with the love part, which is easy to do. Hope that makes sense!

  2. I too believe in this, and yes, souls can find each other over time... and reunite. Love and Light

  3. I truly believe in this. My ex husband from over 25 yrs ago has reconnectd with me. We can't explain the love we have and how bizzarre it is and how close we have become. we were just young kids when we married and divorced before we were 24. Miracles do happen. I believe we are meant to be together... we had to reunite and our soles had to grow.

    1. It has been a long time since I wrote this post and I just noticed your comment, which I thank you for. I really like your suggestion, "our souls had to grow". That is so true!

  4. I would like to ask you a question because me and my dad (not biologic) are very very close to each other. For some reasons we are not living together anymore but very often we get sick have the same exact symptoms and do basically the same things without knowing. We only realize that when we talk on the phone so could that be that our sould are connected?

    1. I am sorry it has been so long since your question. I just noticed it. It sounds as if it could be. Perhaps there is something you two are supposed to teach each other.
      I see it was way back in Jan. 2013 when I first wrote this post. The person I believe to by my twin soulmate and I still communicate, sort of, but as yet he does not recognize the spiritual bond that I feel/see. Perhaps someday or perhaps not in this lifetime.

  5. How can you say that the bond is there if the other person was not feeling it, howd you know, what if it was all in your grandios mind?

    1. Well Mr.anonymous who would be "naked" if you revealed who you are, I am a claircognizant empath and I have recently been identified as having the very rare INFJ personality. Look it up if you don't know what that is.

  6. I only came to find this out just coz I was feeling ill as it emotionally ill, I met a person and we had a mutual feeling and and very close connection at first, the energy was indescribable, so called magical, after a few months he tend to lose it and a year past now I still feel tht connection I could sense that he's having a hard time right now, I don't kno how he is not havin social media as a reference, I'm trying to move on but every time I get close to someone he comes across my my, my heart would beat twice as fast and my body goes all weak and breathlessness hits me, I only have to keep myself busy to bring myself out of it, I'm not sure if the feeling I have is a result of those constant memories that passes through my mind or if it's real when they say that souls can be connected.

  7. I've recently got talking to someone online. We met after only a few days and the connection was insane. There was this feeling I could not and still can't describe now. It's like there in the pit of my stomach, I go weak and I'm normally very strong and reserved but for some reason this feels different I'm trying to describe it but I just can't find the words..i feel it could be soul connection but i also feel kind of silly as it's not even been two weeks that we have spoken for and I don't know how to react to this.
