Sunday, January 20, 2013

Popping the balloon

In looking over some old blog posts I found some interesting ones that I may upgrade someday. Today is one of those days, adding more substance to the suggestion of popping a balloon to rid your life of negative energy that is no longer needed and is interfering with growth.

Some of my close friends have commented on my recent positive spurt of growth and I would be the last person to deny that it exists. In the simplest of terms it came about through being willing to access every bit of help God/Source was making available to me. Stubbornness on my part to learn from what was being provided caused a delay in results. I am grateful that the Universe is very understanding and patient and there was never a definite date for the miracle of growth to happen.  

From the moment we arrive here we are bombarded by energy from all sources. It comes from the mouths of people, circumstances, the environment; absolutely everything that touches us until it is time to return to whence we came. Some of the energy is positive and some negative. It all collects in our minds and hearts like dust bunnies under the bed. 

The negative energy is just as necessary as the positive because it is meant to strengthen belief in ones self and is often there to push a person to shine as bright as the brightest star in the heavens.  We will be tested over and over to make sure we have learned the lessons needed to accomplish this. The Universe has some very interesting twists and turns to check this question out. Getting that joke can put a smile on your face or inspire you to just stick out your tongue and ignore the situation.

Reaching that level of growth puts you into the realm of acceptance of whatever all other souls believe, while standing firm with what you believe. This is where I am right now, which makes me so happy I feel my heart just might explode, which brings me to the subject of popping the balloon.

Sometimes there is such an imbalance of energy that it becomes necessary to level it out. All one needs is a balloon, a marker and a strong pin of some kind. First inflate the balloon, then using the  marker write your name toward the top and circle it. Next write down every blessed person/place/thing that is contributing to your current negative energy. I will be willing to bet you know the last step. You are right, take that strong pin and stick it into you know where! It might even help to add some mental images too, just for the fun of it.

Well dear readers that's the end of the rewrite. I do believe it ended up much more constructive than the first attempt.

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