Sunday, October 6, 2019

The Father

The following is an excerpt from my first published book, Wake Up! I thought it was a nice little tidbit for a Sunday afternoon.

The Father

I was asked what I thought God looked like. He probably looks a little like Santa without the red suit. I see him in white from his bearded head to his toes. Maybe gold and silver here and there for accent.
People get confused and think he looks like Jesus. God the father is much older and knows everything, even before it happens. He also sees everything, also before it happens.

We all have our own way of knowing God the father. Those who do not know him should try harder. Knowing without a doubt that we have an everlasting connection with him is the only thing we need to be happy. Sometimes it takes years of trial and error to grasp this simple fact. Once grasped, it is ours forever, and the next step is to help others.

We are all given special gifts o assist us and as much time as we need to learn to use them. We often deny their existence, fearing the unknown. When we trust God, use the gifts he has given us and meet his challenge to love, we must make him smile. God the father is like any parent, only bigger. He is the boss. he always was and he always will be, in my book.

I am concerned that those who are having problems with their religion are also tossing out God. Any religion is only an interpretation of creation. Our Creator exists alone and will continue to be, whatever man/woman believes. 

Life is simple when we accept a one on one connection with an entity greater than any other. The spirit of our Creator is everywhere. We only need to acknowledge it for magical moments to happen. They are called miracles and occur on a daily basis.

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