Monday, October 21, 2019

A small town

I had stopped by the repair shop to check out a minor problem with my car this morning. I struck up a conversation with a man standing at the counter. I mentioned that is was nice to live in a small town. After awhile he asked me, "Is your name Barbara?" I said yes and asked how he knew that. I often get this because I used to write a column for the local paper.

He said, "I knew you as Mrs. Gunn a long time ago." Then he mentioned the name of my second son, David. He finally said he went to high school with him.

I shared what I knew about my son with him, Including that he is now the grandfather of three. We went on to talk about neighbors of mine who he also knew. It was an interesting conversation.

It took me several hours after the meeting to remember who he was. At the time his name did sound familiar, but that was about all. Then I remembered that my son and a friend once did a makeover on him because they thought he was overweight etc.

What amazes me is that after 35 years he not only remembered me, but knew my first name. It is nice to live in a small town!

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