Sunday, October 13, 2019

Missing person

Yesterday's post got me thinking about things I have written and perhaps published. It reminded me that a friend once told me to check my archives. Since that advice I do that every once in a while. This morning realizing that I had a hard copy of my latest Amazon Kindle book, What Now My Love? A Writer's Journey, I decided to check it out and remind myself of what is between the covers of this piece of work. As I began reading I spotted the following gem titled, "Missing Person", and was written in 2000 for the Cibola Beacon. I still wonder at my nerve to have it printed.

Missing Person

Dear Editor,
This is an appeal to the citizens of Grants and surrounding areas. Please return my first name. It is not Mrs. It was Barbara when I was born and I need it back. Donald Gunn, AKA Don or Donnie and I have been divorced since July 9, 1999.

I have lived in this town for 24 years, Know almost everyone and have two jobs in public relation fields. I would think, word of mouth being what it is, people would have noticed I am no longer married.

I would go to the top of Mt. Taylor and yell, "My name is not Mrs., but since my divorce I don't yell. I am a freestanding self-sufficient female only responsible for myself. Please, my name is Barbara, not Mrs.

(Note: Donald Gunn has been deceased since September 2016)

1 comment:

  1. want to move to an area where you're not near anywhere that you need to go to. It would cost you a lot in traveling expenses, so keep that in mind when you play bazaar satta king move anywhere.
