Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Marilyne Mabery- author, friend, mentor

While toying with today’s subject I received an unexpected email from my friend and mentor Marilyne V. Mabery. Her message was, “I finally took the time to read (tour) your wonderful blog. It gave me a deep glimpse into your mind set and the enchanted gifts that have moved you forward in the past dozen years. You are brutally honest with yourself and your readers, something I believe all gifted writers try to do. You have access to tools that allow you to frame your text in a very efficient style that is reader friendly. I was impressed.”

Marilyne believes “to be a writer one must write daily as it is an action verb”. We have been friends since the mid 90’s and we also share a very close spiritual bond. She is the published author of three award winning non fiction books written for the National Park Service on New Mexico’s El Malpais and the Navajo people. She wrote the documentary Feathers in the Wind seen on PBS, and numerous romance books under the pen name Gale Storm for Zumaya Publications. Also to her credit is Inner Cycles of Health; Living with MS.

Her impact on my life is why Marilyne’s unsolicited critique of my blog means so much to me. She recognized that I was born to be an inspirational writer well before I had a clue. She has never ever told me what to do, but she has always been available for help and support when I have needed her. She just seems to pop up at the right time, no doubt due to our very strong universal connection.

Marilyne has not had an easy life. She was diagnosed with MS as a young girl and over the years the disease has caused her to spend more time in hospitals than at home. No matter how much pain she has endured she has never stopped writing. I believe it is what keeps her in the present and helps her mind accept the horrors of her illness. She is currently writing a metaphysical book written with her long time pen pal, Walt.

I am grateful to have been selected as the soul she would mentor. I have learned much from my friend about writing in particular and about life in general. Thank you Marilyne for taking the time to help me learn and grow. I love you my friend stay well!


  1. I love to hear about these writer spirit connections, Barbara! What a wonderful bond with Marilyne. Feathers in the Wind sounds like something I would like and appreciate:) And btw, I'm a huge fan of your writing too!

  2. You are a doll Ms. Cynthia and I am a fan of your writing too! Looks as if we have a mutual admiration society here!!
