Thursday, April 15, 2010

Aow wouldn't it be loverly?

I grew up loving musicals. One of my favorites is My Fair Lady, which I also saw as a stage performance in Albuquerque, NM in 1999, a very special year in my current life. It is the year I woke up and began the journey to discover who I AM.

The main characters in the story are Eliza Doolittle, a sweet cockney girl who sold violets from a corner stand in London in 1912 and Professor Henry Higgins an upper class bachelor who had a passion for articulate language. Of the 28 fantastic songs presented the most famous is “The Rain in Spain.” The most famous line is “I think she’s got it!”

To briefly summarize the story, Professor Higgins made a bet with a friend that he could teach Eliza to speak proper English and therefore become a lady. Eliza not only excelled in her private classes for evolvement, but fell in love with her teacher. Professor Higgins, being the stuffy, slightly arrogant character that he was, could not allow himself to see what was as plain as the nose on his face, he loved her too.

Eliza, hurt and disappointed returned to her former life, but with the knowledge that she was no longer just a flower girl. The self love that she had found had changed her into a beautiful lady. Her sudden disappearance from his life suddenly woke up the stuffy professor to realize what he had lost. Since this is a love story they of course, finally got back together and lived, I assume, happily ever after. The end.

The end is sometimes just the beginning, as it has been for me. It seems I have been waiting for the third act most of my adult life. Well today with the help of a very special friend I have come to the conclusion that has ended. I am through waiting for people, and that includes men, women and children, to see who I AM.

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