Sunday, April 11, 2010

An Avalanche

My goodness what a difference a day brings with the right attitude. When you don’t try to force anyone to do anything all sorts of good things happen. Sometimes so much happens at once that it causes us to be carried away in our exuberance and we literally run over the people we love the most. We don’t do it on purpose. It is simply a reaction to having wanted something for so long that when it happens we go slightly nuts. It is a temporary condition.

After a suitable length of time, someone comes along to help us adjust to our new vision and assure us that what we see is not a mirage, but the real thing. It will not disappear if we allow our eyes and minds to wander and take in other miracles that we might not have seen upon awakening. There are no small miracles. They happen every moment of every day. We are just so used to focusing on the “big” one that we miss the little ones.

A word of advice; when you let a “determined angel” loose on the world you had better watch out because you just might get caught in the trail of love she is spreading around! As the day went on I found out the real reason that the silver balloon, tied with the pink ribbon (from yesterday's post) had attached itself to my life.

This Sunday morning brought many new friends, mostly through the fb group, Evolved Beyond Religion, just created by Eric Allen. Keeping up with the avalanche of souls kept me very busy for several hours. Then one connection quietly/loudly floated up through the confusion and captured my attention. It carried with it a message that there was a little more work to be done on my evolved soul. Just when I thought I was doing so well!

I have listened to this "voice" before and it has never (almost never) steered me wrong. Nobody no matter how advanced they are is ever absolutely 100% perfect and don’t you forget that. We are all advancing at our own speed. If we were perfect we would no longer be here.

Now back to the present or actually about mid afternoon today. I finally realized that although I had truly turned the negative experiences from my past from negative to positive and replaced anger and hurt with love and gratitude, I had not let go of the memories. I was still hanging on to them and they were keeping me from truly accepting the positive gifts I have recently been given.

The "voice" was right (it really annoys me when that happens). I had to come up with a way to let go of what was holding me back. At first I thought of buying a helium balloon and releasing it with the memories heavenward, but in my little town that is impossible on a Sunday afternoon.

Scratch that idea, what else could I do? I thought of my “determined angel”. You know the silver balloon, tied with the pink ribbon … He/she didn’t have enough hot air left to even rise above the table it sat on, but- I could pop it and the contents would spill out all over the place. What a great idea. Space is space and in the spiritual world there is no up or down or right or left for that matter.

As I held my now familiar angel in my hands the idea expanded right before my eyes. I picked up a black marker and began writing the names of every soul that I felt had ever caused me pain. It took about twenty minutes. On the top, right in the middle, I wrote ME and circled the word. Then I took my angel outside and with a hat pin I pierced the last word I had written. It is done finished the end!!!

Some of you might ask what did I do with the remains. I put the carcass in an envelope, sealed it and placed it between the pages of the family bible that had once belonged to my maternal great grandmother, Clarissa Destree Laviolette. It brings a smile to think that someday someone might open the envelope and ask- was grandma crazy or what? I can see it all now!

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