Monday, April 13, 2020


A site came through on Facebook that got my attention. It was from Good Samaritan Nursing Centers, giving people an opportunity to send a note to a resident. I know the one in Grants, NM has been locked down to protect the residents. This site lets you send a message to a resident or you can even send it to "any resident" and it will be delivered. You don't even need a stamp. How cool is that?

I don't know any residents at the moment, but I decided to choose the any resident option and have sent a couple of my poems, with the hope that it will send an uplifting message to someone who  might need it.  So far I have sent two poems.

As I was flipping through the poems I have written I came across one that seems fitting to share with readers today. Here it is:


When you ask for more than you really need
You are asking to be taught a lesson in greed
You might be given exactly what you ask
To teach you aren't ready to handle the task.

If what you want is only for you
And not about helping others too
God could consider your request too vain
and insist you rephrase to include His name

When power and wealth and material things
Become more important than human beings
Perhaps it is time to take a break and live
Taking time to reflect on things needed to give.

Barbara Loure` Gunn 2001

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