Tuesday, April 21, 2020

A fairytale to ponder

Waking up to a world that had gone crazy, once again, I decided to escape. I got into my car and drove to the top of Mt. Taylor, situated at the top of my little Southwestern town. I have always felt protected by the arms of this mountain. I know it is one of the four sacred places revered by the Native American tribes in the area.

Parking and getting out of the car, I began to explore the environment. The sky was blue and the air seemed much cleaner than it was below. I noticed the cactus and native plants were beginning to bloom. As I walked on I heard a faint noise that I couldn’t immediately identify.

A man, who appeared to be very old came into view. Startled, I stopped where I was. He began to talk to me about the situation I had left behind. He said his home was a cave carved in the mountain and he lived off the land. He invited me to join him.

Frustrated with what was going on below, I decided to take him up on his offer. As time moved on the old man shared stories of his history with me. Before I knew it, forty days had passed and I was anxious to see what had happened to my town in my absence.

I said goodbye to my new friend, found my car, and started on the drive down the mountain. To my surprise, things had changed during my time away from the problems I had left. People were talking to each other, the sky was bight blue, the plants were blooming and the birds were singing.

All was right with the world- even better then it was before I left it behind.

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