Wednesday, April 29, 2020

An amazing adventure

I have been keeping my trips to the grocery store to once a week. Yesterday was the first time in weeks that I felt comfortable going to Smiths. As I stood in line I noticed signs every few feet that said everyone was required to wear a mask. As my turn came up I was handed a sanitized wipe to clean the basket handle. Finally entering the store, I was aware that there were fewer than usual customers, making social distancing much easier.

During the last few weeks we have pretty much been eating as usual, occasionally changing a recipe to fit what has been available. I'm still looking for a jar of yellow Ragu to make macaroni and cheese with leftover ham.

Passing the meat section, I splurged and picked up a package of pork loin. It isn't that expensive as there is little waste and no bones. This morning I found a crock pot recipe that will work nicely. It even gives me something to do with the two Granny Smith apples I had left from making a pie the other day.  

The only thing I had not been able to find was T paper. On the off chance that the store might have some I wondered up the paper aisle. No way! My eyes settled on a couple of different varieties. Not many, but some. Noticing that one option offered 30 double rolls for $9.99 I put one in my basket. It was the same price I had been paying at another store for 24 single rolls. I couldn't pass up the bargain, even though we didn't need it yet. You never know what will happen next.

All in all my trip to Smiths yesterday turned out to be an amazing adventure.

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