Sunday, April 12, 2020

40 days

A week or so ago someone posted the suggestion that a period of 40 days will be significant, regarding the current virus. They stated the flood, lent etc. is 40 days. I thought that was interesting, but my question, in regards to the virus, was when do you begin counting? I didn't get an answer so I started thinking about how does that apply to my own situation?

On March 12th, 2020 my life and surroundings were normal, so to speak.

On Friday, March 13th I began my day by picking up my friend and going to the family center to do our regular exercises. Then I took my friend home and proceeded to the Smiths grocery store. Entering the store was my first inclination that the world as I had known it had gone crazy. I should have realized something was wrong when I saw there was only one shopping cart available. People were running around like ants. I tried to pick up the things I needed but it was like swimming upstream in a small pond.

I ran into my son-in-law, who is a department manager. He said he had been off work the day before and came back to this. He stated if people would just shop normally this wouldn't happen. I said, "That's what I am trying to do". I proceeded to pick up the last package of napkins on the shelf.

That was my life on 3/13/20. What in the hell happened?!

Now I want to go back to the 40 days. If you are counting that should be April 21,2020. That date may not be significant to you, but it is to me. For years the number 22 has popped up in my mind over and over. I have never been able to figure out why. Now I am wondering if that is the day things will begin to get better?

As this is only April 12th I do not yet have an answer. I know the positive case numbers in my county are low, compared to other areas in my state, so it is entirely possible that April 22 could be the beginning of good news. 

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