Monday, December 24, 2018

Stay calm

I woke up to an interesting experience this morning. It was one for the books or at least my blog.

Before I went to bed last night I had placed several documents in the front pocket of my purse to be taken to my safety deposit box at our local bank. My son had added his passport and the title to his car after telling him they should be in a safe place and not in his pile of papers on his desk. He is the only other person who has access to the box.

When I went into my office this morning I noticed the documents were not in my purse. I knew they were there when I went to bed. My first thought was that my son had removed them to check on something and hadn't put them back. When he got up I asked him why he took them. Surprised, he said, "I didn't take them".

I thought he was kidding, but I began searching everywhere they could possibly be. I checked the floor and looked through my file cabinet. Nothing! I knew where they were when I went to bed. Where could they be?

There was nothing I could do. I still had to go to the bank to take care of some important business so I put the problem on the back burner and went to town, still thinking my son must have removed them.

When I came home I sat down at my computer desk and noticed some papers sticking out behind my file cabinet. I checked to see what it was and you guessed it! The missing documents were found. My purse had apparently tipped over and they fell out.

Now I am thinking, what was this experience trying to teach me?

Quite possibly, stay calm and everything will turn out just fine.

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