Wednesday, December 19, 2018


This year I am very grateful for the friends that I have. I don't ask them for favors very often, but when I do, I know I can count on them. I recently received a lovely poem on a birthday card from one of my loyal friends and I want to share it with you.

I think it's true what they say:
Life really is a journey-
and it's not always easy to know
which maps to trust
or what to pack for the trip.

But whatever the weather,
wherever the road leads,
I think the best possible
traveling advice would be this:
Bring a friend. ~Keely Chace

It reminded me of a poem I wrote in 1999.

Take Time to be a Friend 
How long does it take to be a friend?
To share a thought, a dream, a plan, a life
To offer a smile, an ear, a shoulder, a hug
to gently guide, support, defend, respect
To help, to love, to pray for the other?
How long does it take to be a friend?
A moment of a lifetime.

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