Sunday, May 24, 2020

The good virus

On this Memorial Day weekend I am thinking about my maternal grandfather, William Ott Johnston, who died because of the 1918 pandemic. Yes he was a soldier, but never served in a war. I never knew him in this lifetime, but wish I had.

I find it interesting that after all these years I am also living in a pandemic. 

I don’t think the current virus is all bad. It has eliminated all other deaths, including heart attacks, cancer, diabetes etc. Well that’s what the current death information indicates anyway. Believe what you will! 

It has eliminated all terrorist attacks on schools and large gatherings, such as concerts.
It is keeping the air cleaner because there are less vehicles and planes on the ground and in the air. Animals, birds and fish can breath freely. Beaches are cleaner because humans have been banned from using them. That could change soon- oh no!

Humans have been forced to go back to depending on themselves for what they need to survive. It has allowed people to remember that they are creative and don’t need half of the junk they have accumulated in the first place.

It has revealed the true nature of our leaders, just in time for another general election! Think about that why don’t you!

I am actually finding it interesting to live through another pandemic. I am doing everything possible to stay away from the virus, but if I end up joining my grandfather, so be it.

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