Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Are you listening?

I had a very disappointing experience this morning. My friend,who is a minister, and his wife offered a program on Facebook on the topic of soulmates. I was really interested in what they would say because I suggested the topic. Unfortunately, there was no sound so I and everyone watching had no idea of what they were saying. It made me very sad and I have hopes that they will try again.

Years ago when I first tuned into the spiritual world a local friend and I were talking about this very subject. Her opinion was that a soulmate was a soul that was created at the same time that yours was. They are the souls closest to you and stay with you forever. That made perfect sense to me at the time. I imagine our soulmates are also referred to as members of our tribe.

I believe soulmates come back into each life that we live as humans. Their job is to help us grow spiritually. Each life is different and our soulmates take on different roles. In one life they could be a parent, a child, a partner or simply a friend, depending on what is needed.

In doing some research on the subject of soulmates I also came across twin flame soulmates. These are very special souls and rarely live as humans at the same time. I personally believe that I have had an encounter with my twin flame soulmate, who is now deceased.

Some people believe that soulmates are sort of joined at the hip and think exactly alike. I believe that is wrong. How could anyone learn from a mirror image? It has been my experience that they quite often can be complete opposites. They provide the best tool we have for learning and growing.

Personally I am grateful for my soulmates and for what they have taught me. I am hopeful that the muted program from my friend will be repaired and offered again. In the meantime, these are my thoughts on the subject of soulmates. 

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