Tuesday, March 8, 2011

A New Day

I've been trying to decipher the crazy day I had yesterday and have come to the following conclusions.

I believe it was the final straw for me to see that I need to realize that I am only responsible for me. Further more I no longer need to buy into the negative energy that anyone else is offering. I have been known to make excuses for hateful behavior when it comes from relatives- no more!

The things I needed to take care of yesterday I took care of all by myself.It is a great feeling for someone my age to be able to make that statement. A great many people in my age group are dependent on others either financially, emotionally or mentally. I am grateful that I am my own person, dependent on no one else for anything.

Today started out quite differently than yesterday did. After my morning exercise, a little earlier than usual today, I kept an appointment for my yearly check up. Everything went great! Nothing going on that I can't take care of myself. My doctor gave me credit for taking good care of my body.

As for that unexplained social security deposit in my account, well that is still an unsolved mystery, but I'm thinking it is mine unless told otherwise. Maybe I'll use it to take a spring trip somewhere interesting.

Have a great day everyone. It looks as if I'm going to!


  1. Glad that your view of the world improved overnight.

    Hope you get to keep your "present" from SS.


  2. Thanks Nancy and yes the gift is all mine plus more!!
