Friday, April 12, 2019


Hello humans, my name is Ejay. Some of you may know a little about me because my mom sometimes writes about me on Facebook. More than one picture of me has appeared there too. Most people think I am adorable. Wait, guys can’t be adorable. Maybe handsome is a better description.

I was born somewhere in Cibola County, New Mexico in February 2012. I don’t remember much about my first home or if I had siblings because I ran away from home when I was about 10 months old. I was picked up by animal control and spent three weeks in a facility that housed other dogs and cats. I was put in a cage with a roommate, waiting for my family to come and take me home. It never happened, although they were contacted. 

Finally, an ad was placed in the local paper with my picture. I was apparently ready for adoption- yay! I thought, please someone come and get me. I don’t like it here! I’ll be good I promise!

A couple of days later the lady who was to become my new mom came to check me out. She looked at me, I looked at her and wagged my tail- a lot. I was taken out of the cage and it was love at first sight. After all the paper work was finished, I was officially adopted. 

After my new mom led me to her car I hopped up on the front seat to get a better view. As I did that my mom noticed a piece of wire attached to my belly. She was able to remove it and we were off to the office of the local vet for a quick visit and to get my shots. We also set up an appointment for neutering. I found out what that was a bit later. I will keep my opinion about that to myself! 

Finally arriving at my new home I discovered I had acquired a fur sister and brother. There was something strange about them though. They didn’t know how to bark and made meowing sounds. They did have four legs and a tail though.

I found that I had a pretty big yard to roam around in. It looked as if I was going to have fun chasing birds and wild rabbits. I later discovered that, Smokey, my fur brother, seemed to enjoy catching mice.

My first night in my new home was rather scary. My new mom put me in her bathroom with a blanket and food and water. It was dark in there and I kept throwing myself against the door in hopes she would let me out. That lasted one night. From then on I have slept in a basket with a very comfortable pillow, right next to my mom’s bed.  

I was seven years old in February and I am very grateful that I have had a comfortable home to live in and humans to love me. Thank goodness for the picture that connected me and my mom!

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