Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Why do I write?

Several years ago someone asked me, “Who do you write for?” Without hesitation I replied, myself. Although true at the time I’m not sure it is still true. I think I was born creative and writing is one of the ways I use to express that gift. I have a clear memory of an experience from grade school that still makes me smile. I rewrote a comic book story I had read and made it come to life.

My first published work was an article I wrote for a contest offered by our local college. It was a tribute to my mother-in-law who was a victim of Alzheimer’s. About this time a friend loaned me his copy of Richard Bach’s, “Illusions”. I fell in love with his writing style. I suppose in a way he became my mentor.

Then came my life as a columnist, featuring stories I wrote as the result of personal interviews. I loved being able to share the life stories of local residents. I think it was practice for what came next. 
Realizing how important and freeing it is to write, I published two inspirational books, now out of print, started a blog in 2009 and currently have three E-books offered on Amazon. Along the way, I created two local writing groups, one for adults and one for children, for the same purpose; to inspire others to get what is inside outside. It is also the reason I created this writing site.  

To answer the question, why do I write? the simple answer is it is my purpose and my passion.  

Also, years ago someone told me that if I find my passion I will realize my purpose. She was right, I found both!

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