Wednesday, January 9, 2019

No comparison

Lately I have become aware that I tend to compare myself to other people. Big mistake!! We all have our own path to walk from the beginning to the end of our life experience. I keep trying to pound it into my head that no two lives are ever the same. How could they be?

I know from observing my twin granddaughters, who are supposed to be identical, that they lead completely different lives. One is outgoing and nothing seems to hold her back from new experiences. From the little I know about her sister, she seems to be laid back and cautious. I could be wrong, of course. Having come from the same womb and being born within minutes of each other, it kind of proves my point. The first came home with her parents and the second stayed in the hospital until she gained weight. Picturing them now that fact makes me laugh, as the second one is now much heavier than her sister.

I have so many friends who are in pain right now. Some of their pain is physical and some emotional. Most of these souls are much younger than I am and I have begun to wonder- why me? Why at 80 am I fairly pain free on most days and these souls suffer so much on a regular basis?

Saying I have never had pain would be ridicules! I even had cancer 30 years ago, which included surgery and radiation. In more recent years I had a hip replacement. I consider these experiences just that- experiences so that I could better relate to others going through similar struggles.

Many of my friends are going through emotional pain and I can also relate to that. During my life I have been deleted as if I do not exist by people who have a problem with what I write or say. I have in turn, deleted others because they insisted on living my life for me. They are experiences which I was apparently meant to have so that I can help others.

Nothing is forever.We either survive or we don't. I have found in my travels that one of the best things I can do for others is to let them know that I care about their pain. For I know from my own life experiences how painful it is to feel that no one cares. 

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