Sunday, January 20, 2019


Thinking about my latest property challenge has caused me to allow negative energy into my life. I knew it was time for a new roof. That didn't come as a shock. It just caused some readjustments in my plans to pay for it. My roofer came yesterday and is going to put a temporary fix on the current problem. The nice man said he isn't going to charge me because in about three weeks they will be putting on a new roof. At least it will keep any further damage from occurring in my bathroom. He  acknowledged my quick action in propping up the ceiling. He said, "You saved it!"

Thinking about how I can add to my income to replace the expense caused a lot of pros and cons. I began thinking about the things I do well or have had experience doing. The first thing that came to mind is an after school aide at our family center. My thoughts went back to 2013 when I did that for a semester. I remember when the job ended I vowed that I would never do that again. I had very little support from the then administrator, who always took the side of the child when there was a problem. Many of the kids were just plain rude and I don't need that in my life, even if I get paid for putting myself in the path of abuse.

I spent seven years as a product demonstrator for a marketing company. Although I did like the job I cannot stand for six hours straight on Walmart floors now.

Between 2001 and 2004 I was a columnist for our local paper, which doesn't even exist anymore. Looks as if I outlasted the paper!

Along those lines I have submitted several items to writing sites which pay, but have not so far received an answer or money. Patience is not my biggest fan!

I suppose I could do babysitting, I certainly have enough experience along those lines! Future Foundations already does that for free. Too bad the parents don't appreciate the services they offer. I could perhaps, offer babysitting on weekends. It would keep week days free to do whatever I wanted to do. That is an option I could consider, possibly for this summer.

Since I do have the money in my possession to pay for the roof there really is no need to rush into anything right now. I am just looking for options to replace the money I need to use. I have learned from experience to pay up front whenever possible.

One good thing that just happened, thanks to my son, is I am getting a tax refund from the State of New Mexico, which should help the situation. Apparently it is helpful to be a Senior Citizen after all!

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