Sunday, January 6, 2019

Jogging my memory

This morning someone posted something on my writing site, "Write On". that jogged my memory of the past. It took me back to the years I was between 12 and 20. It also jogged my memory of my maternal grandmother, whom I was very close to. Lately I have been asking the universe who is my guide? Perhaps this is the answer. Things have come up recently that lead me to believe one of them is my grandmother or perhaps my biological maternal grandfather, who died before I was born.

For years I have been calling my guide, Richard, even though he has proclaimed, through a reader, that is not his name. Well then, what in the heck is it??

Anyway, the words posted on my writing site are: faith, hope and love. They brought back memories of the years I spent as a member of the International Order of Rainbow for Girls. It was because of my grandmother's membership in Eastern Star that I found myself a member of this youth organization, founded by the Christian Minister, Marc Sexton. Even though I eventually led my group as, Worthy Advisor, my favorite office was that of chaplain. It was also my favorite office in two other organizations I belonged to. I knew I was speaking to a real entity in the prayers I led others to respond to.

Later in life, trying to fit into a marriage with a Catholic man, I was baptized in the church. At first I felt it was a good choice, but as the years moved on I realized it was never a good fit. After twenty five years I simply could no longer deal with a church telling me how to think and live my life. I choose a direct approach to an entity I had always had contact with. It took me back to my grandmother teaching me the Lord's Prayer as a child.

This morning I am remembering the words, coming from somewhere, "God is love and when you love, you are like him".


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