Tuesday, May 31, 2011


All of my life negative people have been put on my path. Over the weekend I had some quiet time to think about why that is. My conclusion: they provided contrast so that I could see what I want and what I don't want.

Being born very stubborn only added to the confusion. Believing I knew what was best for me caused a constant struggle with Source. When I remember the times that I was the most unhappy I clearly see the big picture. They were the times I tried to bring someone or something into my life that was not a vibrational match for my authentic self.

The struggle caused anger, tears and hurt feelings. Usually, given enough time, I saw that I was better off not getting what I had insisted I wanted. Sometimes of course, I was given my way just to prove I was wrong and the universe was right.

I have often been temporarily intimidated by those who use their clever, educated minds to express themselves. If I had gone to college instead of getting married and raising my three children, perhaps I would be as smart as they appear to be.

Perhaps that is not true. One of these souls in particular fits this description to a tee. The man has a brilliant mind, but does not show his face to the world. He hides his authentic self behind his alter ego/s. It seems to me he is afraid to express his most private thoughts.

Oddly, I thought I needed him in my life. Over the weekend I asked myself, "Does this person match your current vibration?" When I answered NO, I finally saw he was simply put on my path for contrast to allow me to see the real me!

There was a time that I did hide behind others, afraid to express my authentic self. That is no longer true. In contrast I now follow my heart, which is in tune with my soul. I am very happy to have found me!

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