Saturday, May 14, 2011

A Great Job

I recently sent for my credit score, which I do every once in a while just to see where I stand among my fellow US residents. It came yesterday and I am elated to see that I am doing great and remain rated in the top 90% of the country!

It would not surprise me if those who know my actual monetary worth would react with, "How did you do that?" My answer would be I have listened to my intuition and made wise choices. Rule #1 is do not live beyond your income.

There is nothing I go without. I am not the least bit tempted to purchase things that "they" say I need. Those people don't live my life. I am the only one who knows what will make me happy. Over the last twelve years I have replaced all major pieces of furniture in my house, kept that house in good repair including renovations, purchased a new car and computer; all by myself. What is more important than that is I owe nobody anything!

I am not writing this post to brag. I am writing it to tell others, especially women that you can do it too. Not all partnerships are made in heaven. If you are in a relationship that is draining the life out of you- leave! I did at age 60 and I am proud of myself for having had the courage to venture out into the big wide world alone. Some women have family support, but that was not God's plan for me.

Looking at what I have been able to accomplish since I took that risk in 1999 is amazing. I really have done a great job of taking control of my own life.

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