Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Interesting People

My morning has yielded personal observations from people God put on my path. First there is Bob, a retiree whose health is at times a bit shaky. He tries to walk at Futures every morning because he knows first hand that the saying "use it or loose it" is true.

Lately regulars just haven't been walking and it seems such a shame. Our conversation led to discussing a mutual friend who hasn't seemed to be herself lately and has stopped walking and using the exercise room. Bob thinks she needs to change doctors. I told him I had gone to the same chiropractor for 27 years before I realized he was not helping me. When you look around and something isn't right its time to make a change.

An older lady came into the gym and began a conversation with Bob. The first thing he did was remove a tool from his pocket to check her blood pressure and oxygen level. They talked for awhile, then Bob said, "Are you ready to race?" They were adorable, he with his oxygen mask and she with her walker. The sight made me laugh as I left the gym to keep an appointment with Rose, my current chiropractor. I have been straining my lower back lately trying to keep up with the weeds in my yard. I think I need a goat!

I love Rose and am grateful to have connected with her. This morning we had time to talk about personal experiences. I discovered we were both born in December and is possibly why we get along so well. I was also told Rose and all her siblings were born in Haiti. When she was about five her father immigrated to America, then he sent for her mother and gradually the children. Rose arrived in the US when she was nine, not speaking English.

She learned the language, graduated from High School at 19 and went on to college intending to be an MD. She said in her junior year God told her that wasn't what she was supposed to do. She changed her course to chiropractic. She had a practice in Georgia for several years and a little over a year ago packed up and moved herself and her practice to our little town of Grants.

Not married, Rose works when she needs to, travels when she wants to, has a personal relationship with God, loves her family and visits them often and generally speaking has a great life at age 36. She has come a long way from that little 9 year old girl who couldn't even speak English.

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