Monday, June 27, 2011

Where's the Off Switch?

In my last post I stated that I now know what is keeping my manifestations/visions from becoming a reality. It is because I am afraid to leave my comfort zone. It would seem the next step should be easy, but I don't know where the switch is to turn out the light in that part of my life and walk into the present/future.

I guess the first question is what defines my current comfort zone? My house and its possessions, my financial situation, my health, my grandson. I am definitely not closing the door on my good health. As far as my grandson goes, he is almost 10 and perhaps it is time to let him fly on his own. I have done everything I could to provide the necessary balance for him, just as my grandparents did for me.

That just leaves my house/possessions and current financial situation. I believe I could walk away from them and not look back.

I remember a priest, Father Diego, asking the following question. "If your house was burning down what would you save,other than living things?" I think he was looking for something like nothing, everything important you carry inside yourself.

All I really need to know is where is the off switch located?


  1. He is right Barbara. All that's important is what is inside us. Love is the most important. It makes us immortal.

  2. That wasn't his answer Marc. That was my supposition. Glad you agree though! Also happy you are reading my blog again! ;>
