Friday, June 3, 2011

Part of a Part or Part of the Whole?

Several times a week I pick a word of the day and post it on Facebook to see what will happen. Today's word was *volunteer*. My response was "been there, done that and I suppose I can do it again." It brought up memories of a lot of volunteering.

Most of my past volunteer work has been done as a member of a group. Now I seem to have outgrown the need to belong to things and it required some adjustment in attitude. When there is a group there are group rules and often group leaders to make sure the group is doing things the way the group has always done them. To think beyond the group mentality is not acceptable.

Lately I see why I was never particularly happy volunteering and it is not because I don't enjoy helping others. It is that I no longer have the need to be told what to do or how to do it.

One of my FB friends, summed it up quite well and it opened my eyes. Priscill responded, "In the traditional sense I have always been there, done that! Now I am a volunteer in the dance of life, spreading cheer, energy and love in God's magical way."

I'm with her! I no longer desire to be part of a part. It has now become clear that I am part of the whole.

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