Monday, March 30, 2020

Free education

This morning I watched the updated podcast from my friend, Bob Luckin and his wife Judith. They are both ministers at the "Center for Spiritual Living" in Florida. I found it very interesting as it seems Bob was admitting he had once been heavily into being a perfectionist. I can certainly relate to that as I spent a good portion of my life striving to be a perfectionist.

During their program Judith kept referring to a woman by the name of Brene` Brown. Never heard of her I thought. Who in the world is she?

Later, still asking myself that question, I checked her out on google. I discovered she is a professor, lecturer, author and podcast host. She has spent over a decade studying vulnerability, courage, authenticity and shame. So, apparently the lady knows what she is talking about. Because I am a writer and have a curious mind I decided to look her up even further.

I then read some of her quotes. Two of my favorites were: "You don't have to do it alone. We were never meant to." and "Let go of who you think you are supposed to be; embrace who you are."

In conclusion, just because we are supposed to stay at home to save lives it doesn't mean we should stop educating ourselves. Education is sometimes free!

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