Sunday, March 17, 2019

Mercury, here we go again!

Before I even realized it mercury is in retrograde once again. Actually it's half way though the cycle. I am wondering if it could be responsible for the delays on getting my bathroom ceiling replaced. I suppose it's possible, but does it really matter what is responsible for the delay? What is just is.The work is supposed to be resumed in the morning so perhaps by tomorrow afternoon I will have a new ceiling, ready for me to paint. I am not looking forward to that job, but it will save me money if I do the painting myself.  It wouldn't be the first time that I have painted a ceiling in my home.

I have never been very upset when mercury does its thing. Just out of curiosity I looked it up to see what to do and what not to do during the journey. It seems it is a time for self focus, double checking appointments etc. and pretty much rethinking situations. I was already doing that so perhaps my guide, Richard, gave me a heads up in advance. I wouldn't be at all surprised. It seems lately I know things are going to happen before they do. That always freaks me out and I wonder, how did I know that? I did just see an article on empath gifts that made sense to me. A question I have been asking myself lately is, am I an empath? It is quite possible the answer is probably.

Friday I had a coffee date with a friend who I have known since 2011, when I had surgery at our local hospital. At the time she was working in the financial office and because of her direction she not only saved me money, but led me to make permanent changes in my Medicare coverage. It it were not for her advice I would be in a heap of financial trouble now. 

Mercury still has another eleven days to go so it will be interesting to see what is going to happen next.

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