Friday, December 20, 2013

The bird in the middle

Living alone creates some interesting menu choices for family holidays. I remember my efforts from Thanksgiving when cooking a traditional dinner only brought up very sad memories. Granted I had plenty of turkey for future meals but it just didn't set right. I have been giving some thought to less extravagant menu choices that I could make for Christmas. I had been leaning toward a Cornish Game Hen, which would still give me a couple of meals. I certainly don't want to go for the big bird again. On my trip to the grocery store this morning I spotted a good sized chicken, which ended up in my grocery cart. It's obviously in the middle, between a big and a little bird. It has a neck and giblets, giving my furry children a treat. It doesn't take a lot of time to cook and I can still have my favorite stuffing (this time it will be Stove Top)to go with it. Since potatoes have always been an extra in my opinion I will eliminate them, but include my favorite mixed vegetables and rolls. As a special treat and because I am worth it there will be strawberry cheesecake for desert. It's going to be a treat for all concerned to cook the bird in the middle this time around!

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