Wednesday, December 25, 2013

A true Christmas story

My Christmas began yesterday when my young grandson, who is the most special person in my life, asked to spend the day with me. It started with bacon and pancakes for breakfast. We then took a short trip to the store to pick up a couple of last minute token gifts, hung out the rest of the day and last night enjoyed a peaceful dinner out. Oh I almost forgot we did exchange gifts along the way. Although it was a very positive experience I knew I had an even more important one coming up this morning as a messenger for our Creator. I got up early and dressed in warm clothes for an errand I knew I was supposed to do, which began with collecting edible goodies in a bag. Just before I put on my winter coat and gloves to brave the very cold Christmas morning I decided to check the Facebook status of a close spiritual friend whom I have unfortunately lost touch with. The words I found on his wall were like a message from the universe telling me that what I was about to do was exactly what I was supposed to do. They were "Was blinded by the Xmas(Christmas) spirit when he found a bag of non-perishables on the back doorstep left by a gentleman from the area- whom he had "helped" on occasion. The man is homeless." That one word homeless motivated me to move on with my mission. I drove to the Riverwalk with my bag of goodies. I kept praying "lead me to the people I am supposed to give this to". In our little town the homeless can be found most mornings wondering around this area. As I entered the parking lot I saw three people, two men and a woman, and I knew they were the souls I was assigned to meet. I approached them and asked if they were hungry. They said yes and I handed them my bag of goodies and suggested they share the contents. The woman gratefully took it and thanked me. I'm sure what I had offered them must have seemed like a feast on this cold Christmas morning and I hope it restored their faith that someone cared about the true meaning of Christmas.

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