Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Super powers

I have a gift that some would consider a super power. I see images of spirits in clouds and bodies of water. I didn’t ask for this to happen, it just did. It took a long time for me to figure out that I was supposed to use it to help others believe that we never die. We simply transition to another form and can communicate with those we leave behind.

On another note, a super power that I would love to have is to communicate with animals. Between 2000 and 2004 I wrote life stories, based on personal interviews, with local residents. I was somehow able to transfer the information to one page stories for the Cibola County Beacon. I believe the information gathered was exactly what the subjects wanted others to know about them. My stories were once referred to as “colorful”. 

What a gift it would be to be able to do the same thing with animals, especially dogs and cats who are locked behind bars at our local animal shelters. To know about the lives of these animals would be fascinating and I think helpful. 

My own dog is a rescue who apparently ran away from home when he was ten months old. I have no idea what his life was like before he came to live with me. If I could communicate with him in his own language I would know about his history from his own mouth, so to speak.

A super power of animal communication would help animals tell their story. It might make a great newspaper column.

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