Tuesday, August 6, 2019

A change of pace

Today I decided to share a creative writing story I wrote for my online writing group. It is called the flower in my garden.

After our latest rain I took a peek at what was in my back yard. To my surprise I noticed a very unusual flower growing in between the weeds. It looked a little like a sunflower, but the petals were a colorful rainbow. Impressed, I began weeding around the flower and used a hand tool to loosen up the soil around its roots. I added some water to encourage it to grow. I decided to leave it alone to see what would happen.

The next morning I checked on my beautiful flower. The care I had given it was apparently just what it needed! Overnight it had grown and grown, reaching to the sky. Its leaves suggested they were there to act as a ladder. How was that possible I pondered?

Always being curious, I decided to climb the trunk to see where it led. As I began my upward journey I told my dog, Ejay, I would be right back. At least I thought I would!

It seemed as if it took forever to reach the top. When I did I jumped off and landed on a grassy slope. What the heck, I had come this far with nothing bad happening, I might as well start walking to see where it would lead me

As I reached the bottom of the grassy slope I saw a path before me. There were people walking on it, but I didn’t recognize anyone. I kept walking and soon saw a very large building. It had massive columns in front and a huge door. I struggled to open it and was greeted by silence, only interrupted by the sound of faint music from a harp. In the front hall I noticed a sign which contained names, followed by room numbers. I thought how odd. The names were people I had known in this lifetime who no longer lived a human life. My grandparents, parents, brother and even my two former husbands were on that list.

As Alice in Wonderland would say, “Curiouser and curiouser!”

Seeing nobody in the hall I decided to knock on the first door. A quiet voice whispered, “Come in.”
I was amazed to find my paternal grandmother on the other side of the door. She looked exactly as I remembered her. It was apparently her job to explain to me just why I was there. I had been given a unique opportunity to make peace with the past and change any leftover negative energy to positive energy. I would be allowed to ask any questions that would accomplish that task. All I needed to do was to enter a room and talk to the person on the other side of the door.

What an amazing opportunity I had been given! After I had made the rounds and asked my questions I felt as though a great weight had been lifted. I then walked back to the beautiful flower with its rainbow colored petals and slid down the trunk. As I reached the ground I saw my dog, Ejay, sitting there wagging his tail. I said, “I told you I would be right back!”

The next morning there was no trace of the unusual flower in my garden.


Although this story is fiction, I have visited the building before, but this time it was for me. You may believe it or not. It is your choice.

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