Wednesday, November 28, 2018

A life prompt

The new prompt for my online writing site, Write On, is life. This came from a long time friend and is going to cause me to spend some time thnking before I am ready to post my thoughts on the subject.

Currently living the life of a human, my first thought this morning was from that view. How does it affect me etc.?

As I was driving into town to exercise I began looking around and realized that I am not the only living creature in this world. I wonder what life would be like if I were a frog or a butterfly or a tree? The word to me means living and they are all doing that, in their own way. They too are breathing and surviving.

Because I am living the life of a human it is not possible for me to think like a frog or a butterfly or a tree.

In recent years I have been guided to totally accept reincarnation, so I am aware that I have lived life before, and not always as a human. In one life in particular I was a beautiful white horse, carrying a reluctant knight into battle. Imagine that?

I do know that the opportunity to live life as a human was given to me to clean up my act so to speak. In other words evolve, get past some of the negative traits that still cling to my soul.The major thing I have learned this time around is that we are all one. We all come from the same place and will eventually return, having evolved or not. The second important thing I have leaned is that family is much more than biology.

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