Thursday, June 30, 2016

Page 206

This post is just for fun and once again proves that the Universe does have a sense of humor. My leg has been acting up today and I am trying to ignore that fact and stay positive. Apparently I needed something to laugh at and this is it.

I just read a post on Facebook that drew me in. I usually don't pay attention to things like this but for some reason I couldn't resist responding to this one. It read, pick up the book next to you and go to page 206. The first sentence explains your love life."

Technically I had to go into the living room to pick up the book I have been reading. (This is the first hard cover book I have read in ages. I had found it while dusting a couple of days ago and figured I was supposed to read it for some reason. This must be it!)

Now then back to page 206. The first sentence read, "Married sex hasn't been nearly this exciting, and with Lyle and his chickie collection, not all that safe."

I burst out laughing and I really needed that! Some of you who have been reading my blog since it began in 2009 may remember my referring to my first husband, whom I stuck with for 13 years, as a womanizing jackass. The name was changed to protect the guilty but damn that perfectly describes my sex life between #1 and #2.

I told you this post is just for fun, even though it's true- seriously folks!

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