Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Isn't it amazing?

This morning I had an interesting exchange with my primary care person. I learned that he is not religious, not even especially spiritual, but considers himself an atheist. My response was, "okay". I suggested that he might like reading a copy of my first book, titled, Wake Up! Just last week I noticed that Amazon was still offering it at a very low price, so I ordered a copy. At the time I had no idea what I was going to do with it. That question has been answered.

I was supposed to provide a urine sample this morning, but for some reason that didn't work out. I told the nurse I would bring it in a bit later. Since it had been a fasting appointment for blood I had not had breakfast. I returned home and the first thing I did was get the sample ready. Then I sat down to a well earned cup of coffee and a snack.

While I was sitting at my computer a thought flashed in my mind. I know what I am supposed to do with that book. The purchase of this book turned out to be an amazing and interesting experience. For some reason Amazon decided there was a problem with the delivery and refunded the shipping charge and tax, leaving a total of $3.53. There was no problem that I could see, but never look a gift horse in the mouth is my motto!

Back to this morning- I took the, now signed book, the urine sample and returned to the doctor's office. I left the sample and gave the book to the nurse, asking her to give it to my primary care person.

Later, glancing at my author copy of , Wake Up!, I began reading to myself from chapter one. I was so impressed with what I read I decided to share it.

While waiting to be born, my creator either spoke to me in a foreign tongue or whispered so softly it took sixty years to figure out what was said. I believe I was told to learn to love. No instructions were given and I was on my own. It took 60 years of determination and a desire to succeed to find the right path.

I have since learned to be open to new experiences like a little child on Christmas morning. Accepting new concepts has increased my family circle beyond my imagination. I have found that believing in the impossible makes almost anything happen.

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