Saturday, October 27, 2018

What's the point?

Over the last almost twenty years I have written thousands of words and in comparison have made very little money on the projects I have followed through on. A really good example is my newest book, "What Now My Love? A Writer's Journey". It has been two months since I published it on and I have apparently sold one copy, plus I gave two hard copies to friends.

This morning I am asking myself what's the point? I am sitting here at my brand new computer pondering that question.

I have felt for a long time that my writing is meant to inspire, but I always thought that meant to inspire others. Could it possibly be that the universe has been pushing me to inspire myself? The push certainly wasn't meant to bring in money. What a joke that is!

Writing does make me happy, especially when I allow my spiritual guides to lead me. Sometimes I read what I have written and wonder aloud, "Did I write that? It is really good!".

Does anyone really give a damn what I write? Are the newspaper columns, books, blog posts and poems I have been writing over the years just a waste of time? Will anyone care when I no longer live the life of a human? I know that I have occasionally inspired someone else, but is that enough? Something seems to be seriously be out of balance.

I am not the kind of person to give up but I would sure like to know what is the point? 

After sharing this post online one of my friends came up with a suggestion that makes sense. It was to think of my writings as if I were scattering seeds- some take some don't. Sounds like an excellent idea to me! Sort of like Johnny Appleseed with words.

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