Thursday, January 4, 2018

Ghost or spirit?

For the last couple of days I have been thinking about the question; what is the difference between a ghost and a spirit? it isn't just idle curiosity. many of you know I have been taking pictures containing what I refer to as spirits for many years. I am also aware that there is a small group in town that is dealing with what they call ghosts.

I decided to google the question to see what would come up. It said a spirit exhibits positive energy and a ghost exhibits negative energy. That actually made sense to me. I also checked out the dictionary with less positive results. It said a spirit is life giving force, animating principles:soul. A ghost is the soul of a dead person. I found that to be a bunch of mumble jumble! 

My very first "spirit" picture was taken in 2001 in our local park. It was the image of a man and a woman who were clearly visible in the cement in front of a little bridge. What I found interesting about this picture was that my daughter's best friend and her step-father had previously walked over that very spot as they approached the gazebo for her wedding.

When the picture was developed and I realized what was in it I shared it with a friend who had more knowledge of such things than I did at the time. He asked me, "What does it tell you?" I answered, "That I was the one who was supposed to take that picture."

Since that day I have taken many pictures containing spirits and have come to believe that I was chosen as a messenger between them and the humans who still reside on earth. They have never tried to harm me and I have never thought of them as anything but positive energy. I do not seek them out they present themselves to me through my photographs..

I'm not sure what is going on with the ghost group. From what I understand they are seeking the ghosts. I know from my own experience that  this area is very spiritual so the whole thing is  interesting to me. I think I am going to let them deal with the ghosts and I will just stay with my friendly spirits.

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