Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Are you dead yet?

I just finished another Kindle book titled Time Off for Good Behavior. It is never going to be on the best seller list, but I enjoyed it. The main character was a woman whose thoughts and actions were slightly different than most people, especially concerning justice. Her ex-husband drank and smoked to excess, among other not so nice traits. His doctor gave him months to live if he did not shape up. He didn’t change his negative habits and when the time ended he was still alive. She wanted to sue him or at least the doctor who had issued the proclamation.    

Now most people wouldn’t find this funny, but when I read what she wanted to do I couldn’t stop laughing because I could relate to her situation. I had a similar story about my ex-husband.

The man has spent most of his adult life drinking and even though he won’t admit it, it played a big part in my seeking a divorce 13 years ago. I couldn’t take the lies anymore. Since that time he has been admitted to the hospital more times than I can count for alcohol related problems. About five years ago his doctor actually gave him two days to live. Our daughter and his two stepsons were notified and dropped everything to come and say goodbye to him. They even checked out the mortuary and made a tentative selection for a floral arrangement at Hallmark.

The man is still alive and like the character in the book there was a time that I wondered if I could sue the doctor. To add drama to the story the doctor is the same one who performed my emergency surgery last year. In my case I didn’t do anything to cause my problem except reluctantly agree to radiation 23 years ago, which created scar tissue. In my ex-husband’s case he did everything he could to thumb his nose at God, causing his own life threatening condition.

To give him a little credit he did finally get the message to stop drinking, but still smokes. He is now the parent that two of my adult children are attached to the hip to, while completely shutting me out of their lives. Perhaps I should write a new book!

Sometimes things happen that are just so freaking funny I can’t help laughing.  Do you suppose this is a test to see how I am going to react? God is supposed to have a great sense of humor. I could wish my ex-husband dead, but instead I think I will just sit back and watch the end of the movie. Nobody lives a human life forever.

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