Monday, August 27, 2012

An inventory of your life

Today is the day I chose to respond to our latest "Write On People" writing challenge; An inventory of your life. Makes one think doesn't it?

My personal inventory changes on a daily basis. Items such as knowledge or material possessions are frequently given away or shared with other souls who need them as much  or more than I do. I do not believe anything is ours forever and if we don’t share what we no longer need there is the danger of becoming a hoarder. Our life piles up with so much unnecessary stuff that we no longer appreciate anything we have.  

There was a time not too long ago that I took responsibility for the problems of everyone in my life. I was recently given the opportunity of going back and discovering the root of this behavior. Understanding leads to change. Since then I have begun to let go of this negative controlling tendency and now allow others to live their own lives, without my help  It is not necessary that anyone else notices this positive change; only that I do.

The only beings other than me that I am still responsible for are my two cats, Ebony age 8 and her first born son Smokey age 7. Since they have no other means of support they depend on me for food and water and a little attention now and then is appreciated.

I believe the most valuable item in my inventory is good health, which I have worked very hard to achieve. My emergency surgery almost a year ago taught me to never take my health for granted and to do everything possible to respect and take care of the body that temporarily houses my soul. If the body no longer exists the soul will need to take up residence elsewhere and I am definitely not ready for that to happen.

The next most valuable item is freedom to do whatever I want to do. I have no one to check in with except me. After a total of 40 years married to my two husbands and raising three children, pretty much alone, it is a great feeling to be on my own. If I want to sit around in pj’s until noon or write until 3:00am I have no need to explain my actions to anyone. Of course, I realize I am totally responsible for the consequences of my decisions. That’s only fair.

 Among the items without price tags are my universal gifts of inspirational writing and spirit photography. Although they are still in the baby stage, I know if I continue to follow my strong instincts I will eventually be told what is to become of them. In the meantime the journey has led me to an interesting and unusual array of spiritual experiences and I am grateful for the opportunities I have been given to grow.

Among the material items in my personal inventory are a paid for house and car. I literally owe no one anything, which is a lot more than most women my age living on their own can say. I periodically go through my possessions and reduce the clutter in my life. I know I am not taking anything with me on the day I leave earth except what I have learned on my journey to evolve.

Today my personal inventory consists of everything I need to be happy and I am grateful for it all.

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