Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Back Tracking

Time flies when you are having fun! I just noticed that I passed the one year mark of my blog created on November 7,2009. First came a newspaper column, then a book, then another then facebook and this my current passion.

Has anyone noticed that I love writing? My inspiration was and still is Richard Bach, who writes from his heart. He never cared whether anyone else "bought" what he wrote. He just expressed himself, following his subconscious mind. It is exactly what I do and it makes me extremely happy.

Over the last year I have written about many subjects that have touched my heart in some way. Although I make every effort to stay positive I also know that at least a couple of times a post has disturbed someone who read it. Sometimes a writer has to use all the power he/she can muster to reach a reader. It is called a wake up call.

My very first real post was titled "I Killed My Best Friend". Got your attention huh? You can still read it by going back in the archives to November 7, 2009. It is an article written for teenagers and previously published in the Yeah Times! It offered a different view of why I smoked for forty years and quit with the snap of a finger on February 24, 1999.

Writing my blog has made me realize that my gift of words is not and never has been about money. It is about sharing my slightly quirky views of life and the experiences it has given me. If in the process I am able to inspire others or even wake someone up from their slumber- wonderful! I remain eternally grateful to the Universe/Source for giving me the needed tools to do so.

(note:Hopefully I have fixed a problem I didn't know I could by, making it possible for anyone to comment on a post, google account or not)


  1. And I for one am very glad you're around to use these tools. Congrats on your blog's birthday.
