Sunday, November 1, 2020

What's left?

 November first gives us two months left in 2020. There are still two major family holidays left. As the virus count goes up in each state people are asked to stay home and avoid large crowds. As I look around at my life that really isn't so difficult. Even though we still have Thanksgiving and Christmas to get through, being pretty much alone already, that doesn't change my activities much. 

Most of my biological family live in other states and the thought of sending a card or making a phone call is beyond their capabilities. If I even got a birthday card from anyone but my oldest son, who lives with me, I would be in shock.

Isolation really doesn't change my life. It is pretty much what I have been doing for years because the majority of my biological family do not acknowledge my existence. Family holidays have been a joke for years. What family? `

The only thing I am looking forward to in the next few weeks is an end to the political garbage! It will be really nice to turn on the TV or check into Facebook and not have to witness the name calling and the skeletons being drug out of closets. It will be interesting, during November, to see who will occupy the white house for the next four years. 

What is left in 2020 is anyone's guess. I for one, am just happy that I have been given the opportunity to stick around to see what will happen.   

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