Sunday, November 22, 2020

Time for gratitude

While watching a friend's podcast this morning I was inspired to use gratitude as the subject for today's post. I asked myself what am I most grateful for?

There are several things that came to my mind. For instance, fairly good health, A comfortable home. enough to eat, friends, enough money to live fairly well and my gift of writing. That really isn't what I am most grateful for though.

That would be people. Since my very first breath people have been part of my life. There were first my parents and other relatives, the hospital staff, neighbors, playmates, classmates, friends, people in stores and on the street, coworkers. You name it and I had contact with all of them. People of all color, races and beliefs. Thinking about all the people I have had contact with since the first day of my life really is mind boggling.

It is also mind boggling to realize that no two of these people are exactly alike. Everyone, from their first breath to their last are on their own. I am most grateful to have been created to be counted as one of those people.

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