Sunday, July 8, 2018


I recently posted a quote on Facebook because I kept seeing it and decided it was a nudge to share it with others. The quote is: don't let your struggles define who you are.

The first response I got was from a friend who had been a nurse until a freak accident completely changed her life. She ended up with a serious injury to her foot when a piece of hospital equipment fell on it. She was forced to retire. She moved to another state, bought a house and became a very important part of a new community. In my opinion she is a go-getter. Her response to my quote was, "It is my mantra." Although she lives each day in pain she doesn't let that stop her from getting on with her life. Others might have given up, but not her.

The second response I got was from a friend who happens to be a male nurse. He said: "Your struggles should define who you are. They show your character and determination. They show that you are alive." Although I agreed to a point I had my own response.

When we focus on our struggles and not on what we are capable of accomplishing we limit ourselves. We then use our struggles as an excuse to not do our best. When I look at my medical records I am aware that I should be in a lot of pain. That's not to say I don't have pain I just try not to use it as a road block to what I want to do.When I look at others my age I am constantly amazed at the things I am still able to accomplish in comparison.

As I sometimes do I checked with Webster to see what his version of the word struggle meant. It was: to put forth great efforts, strive, contend.

I suppose there is a grain of truth in all the responses. It just depends on who you are and who you desire to be.  

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