Tuesday, July 10, 2018


What an interesting word roadblock is. It literally means a temporary barrier used to control. Most people would probably think of something in the road to hinder forward movement due to unseen danger.

Much stronger roadblocks are the ones we mentally set up, sometimes due to fear and sometimes because we listen to what others tell us. How often do we think, I can't do that because I am not smart enough or attractive enough or educated enough? Wrong wrong wrong!

When we set out with a  preconceived negative mind set we are bound to fail. When we listen to other people instead of following our own intuition we are bound to fail. Moving on with perhaps a measurement of caution is a positive way to handle a roadblock.

Just for fun I checked on others who had advice on the subject of roadblocks. I have never found a subject yet that didn't produce a variety of opinions. So bring them on. Here are my finds.

"When you seek the presence of creative Spirit and are filled with passion about virtually everything you undertake, you'll successfully remove the roadblocks from your life and enjoy the active presence of Spirit."~Wayne Dyer

"In my life I don't have roadblocks and obstacles. I might have something you would call a challenge. I throw that out the window and call it a wonderful opportunity." ~Frances Hesselbein

"Every time a young girl comes in and asks me for advice, if you start your conversation with, "How hard is it for a black woman" or "How hard is it for a woman", I turn you around. Because I cannot- we cannot look at the roadblocks and see the road at the same time".~ Tamron Hall

"If you do not see the light at the end of the tunnel consider it an opportunity to create an opening yourself, wherever you want."~Ashok Kalarakkal

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