Sunday, January 22, 2023

Time marches on

I just opened a copy of my very first published book from 2001. It was a locally published collection of the very first interviews I did along with an assortment of poems. It was titled, "Spirit With A Positive Attitude". The amount of books I have published since then is amazing, considering that I am not a trained writer. I am having trouble realizing that people just let me in to do my thing.If that wasn't enough, my stories were eventually published in our local newspaper. Today I am wondering, why did people trust me? I wasn't from here and I was neither Native American or Spanish. Looking back I have to laugh at what happened. Today I am wondering where do I go from here? I don't feel that I will write anymore books, but something along that line keeps popping its head up. Whatever happens next will cause me to be as surprised as anyone. I do want to share the forward in my first book because it really made me smile when I re-read it. It was written by author, Marilyne V. Mabery.

"Your articles are a real blessing. They take a close look at the varying challenges facing some of the silent majority who deal with harsh realities, and make me proud that you are sharing these stories with the public.They make me quite humble and wake me to the reality that life is not only a gift, but worth every moment of our physical struggle.Whenever we each walk a mile in anyone's moccasins, we know then that our path may be rocky, but other's require so much more to keep the smile on their faces.I pray the New Millennium is filled with happiness and wide ranging challenges that keep you writing. You have a unique talent, don't ever let it be silenced."

I remember interviewing someone whom I was surprised had allowed it. When I asked why he said, "Because of who you are."

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