Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Who pushed you?

I love Facebook and the people who have become friends over time. It is one of the places that I obtain subconscious messages to continue this blog. I have learned to pay attention and follow my intuition.

This morning an old friend whom I recently re-connected with posted a very inspiring piece about life being simple. It contained an analogy that stood out for me and caused me to think back in my life and ask myself, who pushed you? What he wrote in part was: "Even though a baby bird is born to fly it often needs to be pushed from the nest because it is unaware of its incredible abilities."

For me the year 2000 was the year someone pushed me out of my not so comfortable nest and forced me to think for and depend on myself. Before that I had pretty much lived for my two ex-husbands and my three children, especially my youngest. It was the year I began expressing myself in writing. Over the years it has caused some people to leave me behind and spread their own wings. Perhaps that was what it was supposed to do. 

In my current life there have been two men (not married to either one) who because of who they were, pushed me out of the nest. I will be forever grateful to both of them, even though at the time I thought they were first class jerks! Wrong!!

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