Sunday, July 12, 2020


I am aware that there are many New Mexicans who do not like our governor, but I think she is doing a good job of trying to keep the virus count down in our state. It has to be tough when numbers are spiking in neighboring states. If people would just follow the rules for safety, things would settle down.
In a town that was already dying I realize it is a matter of life and death for the little businesses. I asked myself why them when bigger businesses are allowed to stay open?
I think the difference is a larger business like Walmart or a chain grocery store is run by a corporation. If you don't follow the rules you will be fired. A small business basically makes their own rules and can put others at risk if they for instance, aren't wearing a mask.
So wearing a mask is something we all need to get used to, but would you rather wear one or be dead or cause someone else to die?
If you don't like the rules our governor has set up for your safety, that's just tough. You can always move to a state with a higher virus count!

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